fevereiro 27, 2011

Fast Food = ]

Hello, people!!

I really wanted to start this blog with something interesting. So, I guess this is something that can help everybody, when you have those days you really don't know what to eat, this is a good sugestion. It's fast, easy and delicious! = ]

I've prepared penne and my own sauce (a mix of Béchamel sauce and tomato sauce) and added chicken nuggets and minas cheese. Ah, and as I prepare food only for two people (my husband and I) the amounts (=quantity) of ingredients are too different, depending on how many people you will have to feed (hehe). So, you have to fit (= to adequate) the quantities according to your situation, right? Well, there follows the recipe:

Penne (about 100g):
cook it for 8 minutes

tomato sauce (half cup),
mushrooms (as much as you wish),
1 chicken bouillon cube
some minas cheese
a pinch of sugar
cream (half box, which is about 100ml)

combine the ingredients in a pan, without the cream. Mix it well. when it's hot, turn off the stove and add the cream.

Chiken Nuggets
fry them only using a tablespoon of butter (or margerine). Cut them into small pieces and add to the sauce.

When everything is ready, you put them all together in a dish and cover it with minas cheese, oregano and olive oil. Warm it in the oven (or microwave oven) until the cheese melts. Serve it while it's still hot.
I hope you have enjoyed this option. Any doubts, you may ask at any time! I am also open to suggestions... send yours = ]

See ya later!!

Um comentário:

  1. Dear Pri... I loved!!! But here in US doen't have the GOOD cheese as cheese Minas Gerais... you know!!! But, I'll try to make this... but, withou mashrooms, because I hate...
    So, continue putting this in your blog... I'll to put (divulgar) in my blog.. It's good for girls and I to learn english...
    Love you honey and I miss you so much!!!!
    Follow me, ok?
